ByLaws of the Association of Professors of
Southern Oregon University
ARTICLE I. Members
- Section 1.
- All faculty of Southern Oregon University who are members of the bargaining unit as certified by the Public Employees Relation Board are eligible to become members of the Association of Professors: Southern Oregon University, hereafter referred to as APSOU, upon commencing payment of the annual dues for the first year. They will remain members of the Association until such time as annual dues are no longer being paid.
- Section 2.
- The rate of dues may be changed by the membership at any meeting, provided that the proposed dues schedule is distributed to the membership at least one week prior to the meeting at which the proposal will be voted on.
- Section 3.
- The right to vote and the right to hold office in the Association are open only to members.
ARTICLE II. Officers
- Section 1.
- The officers of the Association shall be President, President-Elect (who shall serve as president during the next calendar year), Recorder, Treasurer, and four at-large members of the Executive Board. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Association.
- Section 2.
- The immediate past-president shall also serve as a member of the Executive Board.
- Section 3.
- The current (or most recent) chair of the negotiating team and the current Association of Oregon Faculties (AOF) representative shall serve as non-voting ex-officio members of the Executive Board.
- Section 4.
- During the first fall meeting, the Executive Board shall appoint a nominating committee. It shall be the duty of this committee to nominate candidates for the offices of the Association. The nominating committee shall report at the second meeting, at which time additional nominations from the floor shall be permitted.
- Section 5.
- The nominating committee shall conduct a secure ballot, and the non-presidential officers elected shall hold office for two years beginning the first of January. The terms of the 4 at-large members as well as Treasurer and Recorder will be staggered so that three will have terms beginning in even-numbered years and three will have terms starting in odd-numbered years.
Approved as amended: March 23, 2012ARTICLE
III. The Executive Board
IV. Meetings
V. Committees
VI. Parliamentary Authority
ARTICLE VII. Amendment of the Bylaws