Questions or Need Support?
If you need to talk to someone about an APSOU-related issue, feel free to contact the APSOU President or any of our Board members.
APSOU also provides an Accompanist Service (see policy below). If you are called to a meeting with an administrator and would like some support check our Guidelines for APSOU Members and/or contact any of our APSOU Accompanists.
If you are an Accompanist and would like some guidelines for how best to fulfill your role, please check these Guidelines for Accompanists.
Accompaniment Policy
(Article 18, Section B of the CBA)
APSOU and the SOU administration have agreed to criteria that extend to Association members the opportunity to have an APSOU approved representative accompany them to meetings with administrative personnel. This service is intended to support faculty and resolve issues before they develop into serious conflicts.
1. When This Service Is Appropriate
Faculty members may request an APSOU approved representative to accompany them to meetings with a supervisor or administrator. However, faculty members are encouraged to resolve an issue in a face-to-face meeting before calling in a third party. Either party may elect to adjourn and reschedule a meeting for any reason, including for the purpose of requesting an APSOU approved representative.
When the issue involves a tangible employment action (i.e. actions that result in a change in employment status or placement of document(s) in the individual’s personnel file), the administrator involved shall notify the faculty member of his/her right to be accompanied by an APSOU approved representative. A minimum notice of three (3) university days will be given prior to the scheduled date of the meeting. Formal grievance procedures are outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement and the Faculty Constitution and Bylaws.
2. Protocol
a. Attempt to resolve issues with an initial one-on-one meeting between the parties involved. If that is not satisfactory or if the faculty member prefers to have an APSOU approved representative present, the faculty member should contact an APSOU approved representative.
b. If additional faculty members or staff will be participating in such a meeting, a minimum notice of one university day should be given to all parties. The faculty member requesting accompaniment and the administrator calling the meeting are responsible for notifying all of the parties involved.
c. The APSOU approved representative will not be representing APSOU, but rather will act as a support to the faculty member. The APSOU approved representative will function as a witness, a listener and a potential sounding board.
d. Confidentiality is to be maintained.
e. The faculty member and the APSOU approved representative should discuss the type of support the faculty member wishes to receive during the meeting.